Examining the development trends of the country's oil refining industry shows that over the past few decades, adequate investments have not been made to improve and upgrade the process units of existing refineries or, more broadly, to build new refineries and implement petro-refinery projects. Undoubtedly, the development of the oil refining industry requires both knowledge and technology along with the provision of necessary financial resources. However, access to each of these effective factors in completing the value chains of the oil refining industry was easier before the intensification of international financial and non-financial sanctions compared to the current time.

Nevertheless, for various reasons, including the lack of willingness within the governance structure of the Ministry of Oil at that time, the necessary and sufficient focus and attention were not given to the refining industries. However, factors such as the increasing consumption trend of various petroleum products, the establishment of new international laws and standards in the field of petroleum products such as IMO2020 regarding the fuels used in shipping fleets, the significant role of low-quality petroleum products in contributing to air pollution in major cities, the change in market demand for petroleum products, and others have led senior managers of the country's oil refining industry to focus on improving and updating the process units of existing refineries and implementing petro-refinery plans. This is aimed at increasing the quality and quantity of high value-added products.

Given these circumstances, financial provision has been recognized as one of the most important requirements for implementing development projects in the country's oil refining industry. Considering that the use of traditional and corporate financial tools is not easily possible due to the intensification of international restrictions and the current financial constraints of the government, the utilization of new project-oriented financing tools based on financial engineering, with an emphasis on the capacities of the money and capital markets, as well as the definition of new international mechanisms for financial exchanges, can be an effective step in attracting resources and facilitating financial exchanges in the country's oil refining industry, and moving towards a resilient economy , also known as a resistive economy.

   In line with the aforementioned goals, the Investment Management (and International Affairs) department was established with the aim of planning and formulating a strategic plan for financing and attracting investment. This department focuses on identifying domestic and international investment hubs and opportunities, examining ways to increase domestic and international participation, and finding methods to attract and provide financial facilities and resources from various institutions and organizations. The objective is to supervise, guide, lead, and develop investment and international relations in the fields of refining, petro-refining, transportation, and distribution of petroleum products to enhance energy diplomacy within the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC).

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